20 May 2006

Repairs Part 2

More photos:

In the avionics compartment? Much better.

Here's the real culprit. The aft wing spar connections have been mis-drilled and our not structurally sound. New ones had to be fabricated.

Here's the new ones for the left side.

The new ones ready to be installed.

And the finished product. This new spar connection is stronger than the original design. Ready to yank and bank.

There were a few more odds and ends that we had to get sorted out. But after two days of re-assembly, we're ready for action. Good for another year.

19 May 2006

Repairs Part 1

Travis and I went to Texas to pick up our airplane. Here's a rundown of the repairs we had done:

Some rivets where the wrong size. We we just added a new row where needed.

More rivets.

A spacer was needed where the vertical stabilizer connects to the horizontal.

One of the main rudder connections was drilled off the edge. We added a double plate to square it off.

Here's the finished product.

This rat's next in the avionics compartment had to be cleaned up.

More photos to follow...